

The conflict between these two forces is not this evident in our daily lives. It doesn’t mean it’s not present in all our choices, even the smallest.

This is just an example that illustrates our deepest dilemma in a very clear way. It’s not a choice between Good and Evil or between the little angel and the little demon floating over our shoulders. It’s a conflict between our fears and our will of being Great. It’s the difference between following a path that makes us prisioners of a lie and the path that frees us through the truth.

And it must be an internal decision because external pressures can make us even more confused.

We need to be conscious of these forces just as much as we need the water we drink everyday.

Can you imagine an organization where people make their decisions in a fully conscious way? Even the wrong ones? Without the need of lying or rationalizing just to make peace with their consciousness? Do you think it’s impossible?




All these responses can be observed in organizations. Each of them serves different values and contribute differently to the culture of an organization. Small details, right? But very important ones.


We tend to compete with those that we perceive immediately above us instead of those that really oppress us.


Sometimes we invest so much to help someone change (for the best) that what that change really happens we lack the energy to adapt and develop a new role.


We show it when it’s trendy or make us look good. If not, we treat it like trash in order to exhibit disgust but we keep it just in case. We never know when it will be trendy or useful again.

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